International Journal of Empirical Research Methods

ISSN NO : 2995-6110

The International Journal of Empirical Research Methods is dedicated to promoting and advancing empirical research methodologies across various disciplines. This journal aims to provide a platform for researchers, scholars, educators, and practitioners to share insights, methodologies, and findings that contribute to the improvement of empirical research practices and the enhancement of evidence-based decision-making.

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1 English Department, Faculty Of Humanities, Andalas University,Indonesia

Volume 2

Issue 1

Page: [54 - 64]

Published Online: April 1, 2024

  • Abstract

    Sexual Abuse, Vulnerability And Trauma Are Not New. These Incidents Are Constant In All Levels Of Society. The Story Of Maggie Sullivan Portrays The Traumatic Life Experience Of Maggie Sullivan, Which Portrays The Truth Of The World. Jennifer Down Has Portrayed All The Characters In Such A Way So That Readers Can Instantly Connect With Them. The Story Talks About A Little Girl That Has Faced Sexual Harassment And Has Been Raped By A Man. All The Incidents Have Made Her Life Difficult, And The Discussion That She Has Made Was Greatly Influenced By The Circumstances And The Past Experiences That She Had Faced Earlier In Her Life. Down Has Beautifully Portrayed All The Emotions Of Maggie That Allows Readers To Develop An Emotional And Empathic Connection With Her Instantaneously. Her Experiences And Life Lessons Have Transformed Her Life In A Certain Direction That She Has Never Dreamed Of. The Transformation Of Her Life And All The Phases Of Life Have Allowed Maggie To Switch Her Life That She Thought Was Right For Her. She Has Tried Her Best To Survive And Chase Happiness From Others, But Eventually Fails Sometimes.

    Keywords: The Bodies Of Light Mental Trauma Maggie Sullivan Damien Vulnerable Violence Sexual Harassment Rape Relationship Love

  • Figures

    Figure Image

  • References

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