International Journal of Empirical Research Methods

ISSN NO : 2995-6110

The International Journal of Empirical Research Methods is dedicated to promoting and advancing empirical research methodologies across various disciplines. This journal aims to provide a platform for researchers, scholars, educators, and practitioners to share insights, methodologies, and findings that contribute to the improvement of empirical research practices and the enhancement of evidence-based decision-making.

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Integrative Review On The Ethical Perspectives In 3D Printing: Imperatives On Nursing Science

1 Bataan Peninsula State University, Bataan,,Philippines

Volume 1

Issue 2

Page: [95 - 115]

Published Online: December 5, 2023

  • Abstract

    3d Printing Has Its Advantages And Wonders, But This Technology Also Has Its Dark Side. Sometimes, The Object Will Simply Be A Copy Of An Existing Commercial Product. Likewise, There Are Few Reports On The Ethical Considerations Regarding 3d Printing, Especially In The Philippines Where Piracy Or Illegal Copying Is Rampant. Thus, The Ethical Perspective Of This Venture Was Taken Into Consideration. Integrative Review Combining Meta-Analysis And Synthesis As A Research Design For This Study Was Facilitated Through A Liter - Ature And Study Review Using PRISMA. Studies On The Ethical Perspectives Of 3D Printing Were Searched Through The Electronic Databases ProQuest, Elsevier, CINAHL, PubMed, Medline Plus, And Ebsco. The Search For Studies Harvested 186 Articles Of Which Were Searched Through The Mentioned Databases. Out Of These Articles, 62 Studies Met The Inclusion Criteria. The Data Provided By These Studies Were Compiled, Organized By Themes Noting Similarities And Differences. After A More And Thorough Review, 8 Studies Ex- Actly And Completely Fit All The Protocols And Findings Needed To Be Included In This Study. Findings Revealed Issues On The Protocol Development In The Ethical Conduct Of 3D Printing In Particular To Prototyping And Rapid Manufacturing; Research On The Ethical Conduct Of 3D Printing Are Also Lacking And Post-Evaluation On The Conduct Of 3D Printing As Applied To The Its Purpose Were Not Considered In The Existing Laws And Regulations. All The 8 Studies On The Ethical Perspective On 3D Printing Are Unique In Their Methods, Sam - Pling, Data Treatment, Results And More Importantly, Findings But Their Focus Is Shared. More So, The Study Suggests Further Looking At The Impact Of Certain Amendments On The Laws And Policies In 3D Printing To Its Ethics Components And Relating This To Policy Formulation That Protects All Stakeholders’ Interests In This Emerging Technological Industry. Users And Manufacturers Of 3D Printers And 3D Printed Objects Will Encounter Issues Involving Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights, And Other IP Rights Is A Reality In The Future.

    Keywords: 3D Printing Nursing Science Ethical Policies Protocols Development Data Treatment Technological Industry

  • Figures

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  • References

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