
Policies and Statements


Submission Policy:

The submission process at Guinness Press is designed to be straightforward and transparent. Eligibility criteria ensure that submissions align with the scope and focus of our journals, promoting relevance and quality in published work. Once authors have prepared their manuscripts according to these guidelines, they can follow simple steps to submit their work through our online platform. Our dedicated editorial team is also available to assist and guide throughout the submission process, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience for authors.

Peer Review Process:

Guinness Press takes pride in its robust peer review process, a cornerstone of our commitment to scholarly excellence. Our expert reviewers are chosen based on their profound knowledge of the relevant field, ensuring their evaluations are insightful and constructive. They assess submissions on criteria including originality, methodology, significance, and clarity of presentation. This meticulous evaluation helps uphold the high standards of our publications, fostering trust and credibility within the academic community.

Copyright And Licensing Policy:

Our copyright policies and licensing agreements aim to balance authors' rights and open access principles. Authors maintain copyright, granting Guinness Press Journals the license to publish and be recognized as the original publisher. All open-access articles are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, CC BY 4.0, allowing wide dissemination with proper attribution. However, it is crucial to note that quoting from refereed manuscripts requires explicit permission from the author(s) and the publisher, safeguarding the integrity of the content.

Plagiarism Policy:

Guinness Press maintains stringent guidelines for preventing and detecting plagiarism in submitted manuscripts. Authors are urged to adhere to these guidelines to uphold academic integrity. In cases where plagiarism is identified, appropriate action will be taken, including rejection of the manuscript and notification to the author's institution. We emphasize the importance of originality and proper citation practices to ensure the credibility and quality of published work.

Ethical Guidelines:

Guinness Press provides comprehensive guidance on ethical considerations for authors, covering critical topics such as data integrity, authorship attribution, and conflicts of interest. We stress the importance of transparent and responsible research conduct. Authors are encouraged to disclose any potential conflicts of interest and ensure accurate representation of their contributions. Upholding these ethical standards is essential in maintaining the credibility and integrity of the scholarly work we publish.

Data Protection And Privacy Policy:

We at Guinness Press are committed to safeguarding the privacy of our users. Our detailed Privacy Policy outlines how personal information is collected, stored, and utilized on our website, ensuring strict compliance with data protection regulations. We employ robust security measures to protect sensitive data, and any information shared with us is handled with the utmost confidentiality. By adhering to these policies, we aim to provide a secure and trustworthy experience for all visitors to our platform.

Complaints And Appeals Policy:

Guinness Press values feedback from its community. Our Complaints and Appeals Policy outlines the procedure for submitting concerns or appeals about editorial decisions, publication ethics, or other journal-related matters. This process is designed to address any issues promptly and impartially, ensuring transparency and fairness in our publications.


Open Access Statement:

Guinness Press is dedicated to open-access publishing, a commitment rooted in the belief that knowledge should be freely accessible to all. We firmly uphold the principles of open access, which include unrestricted access to research findings and the ability to distribute and reuse content freely. This approach democratizes access to knowledge, fosters innovation, and advances research in diverse academic fields. We aim to contribute to a more inclusive and collaborative global academic community by embracing open access.

Conflict Of Interest Statement:

Guinness Press maintains a strict transparency policy regarding potential conflicts of interest involving editors, reviewers, and authors. Any financial, professional, or personal relationships that may affect impartiality are promptly disclosed. These conflicts are managed by implementing measures such as reassignment or additional oversight to ensure the integrity of the review process and the credibility of our publications.

Editorial Independence Statement:

Guinness Press emphasizes its unwavering commitment to editorial independence. The assessment of content quality and relevance solely drives our decisions. This ensures that every published work meets the highest academic excellence and integrity standards.

Diversity And Inclusion Statement:

Guinness Press is dedicated to fostering diversity and inclusivity across every facet of the publishing process. This commitment extends to authorship, reviewer selection, and the composition of our editorial board. We believe a diverse and inclusive scholarly community enriches the academic discourse and leads to more comprehensive and innovative research outcomes.