
Librarian Resource Center

The Guinness Press Librarian Resource Center Is A Dedicated Space Tailored to Support Librarians. Here, We Aim To Provide A Comprehensive Array Of Tools, Information, And Resources To Empower Librarians In Their Pursuit Of Creating Dynamic, Vibrant Library Spaces.

What You Will Find

Catalogs and Publications: Access our latest catalogs and publications, showcasing a diverse range of titles across various genres and disciplines. Stay updated with the newest additions to our collection.

Educational Materials: Discover a wealth of educational resources, including study guides, lesson plans, and supplementary materials designed to support educational programs within your library.

Diverse Collection Recommendations: Explore curated lists of diverse titles spanning various genres, ensuring inclusivity and representation within your library's collection.

Get Involved

We value your expertise and insights. If you have resources or ideas you would like to contribute to the Librarian Resource Center, please do not hesitate to Contact Us.

Research Services

Content and Research Platforms

Get your book published by experts; as a publishing house, we also work on books and you can have proofreading and editing services and affordable book marketing services to achieve all the goals you have set in your timeline.Get your book published by experts; as a publishing house, we also work on books and you can have proofreading and editing services and affordable book marketing services to achieve all the goals you have set in your timeline.