International Journal of Empirical Research Methods

ISSN NO : 2995-6110

The International Journal of Empirical Research Methods is dedicated to promoting and advancing empirical research methodologies across various disciplines. This journal aims to provide a platform for researchers, scholars, educators, and practitioners to share insights, methodologies, and findings that contribute to the improvement of empirical research practices and the enhancement of evidence-based decision-making.

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The Impact Of Socio – Economic And Traditional Practices Of The Local Folks In The Tourism Industry

1 Capiz State University,,Philippines

Volume 1

Issue 2

Page: [57 - 73]

Published Online: December 5, 2023

  • Abstract

    The Ramifications Of This Study’s Findings Emphasize How Crucial It Is For Tourist Planning And Management To Understand And Take Local Communities’ Socio-Economic Conditions And Cultural Prac- Tices Into Account. The Study Began By Highlighting The Positive Socio-Economic Benefits Of Tourism In The Neighborhood. Income Generation, Employment Opportunities, And Economic Diversity Were Identified As Key Elements In Community Development. The Findings Lend Credence To The Notion That Promoting Tourism Might Help Alleviate Poverty And Improve The Standard Of Living For Locals. It Is Critical To Preserve And Promote Cultural Traditions And Heritage In Order To Attract Tourists And Im- Prove The Overall Tourism Experience. Authentic Cultural Experiences, Such As Traditional Customs, Crafts, And Rituals, Have A Lot Of Interest For Visitors Searching For Unique And Engaging Interactions.

    Keywords: Poverty Cultural Neighborhood Emphasize Local Communities Employment

  • Figures

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  • References

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