International Journal of Empirical Research Methods

ISSN NO : 2995-6110

The International Journal of Empirical Research Methods is dedicated to promoting and advancing empirical research methodologies across various disciplines. This journal aims to provide a platform for researchers, scholars, educators, and practitioners to share insights, methodologies, and findings that contribute to the improvement of empirical research practices and the enhancement of evidence-based decision-making.

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Sustainability and Adequacy of Pension Systems: Importance of Innovative Risk Management

1 The University of Belgrade, Faculty of Economics,Serbia   |   2 EDUCONS University, Faculty of Project and Innovation Management,Serbia

Volume 1

Issue 2

Page: [67 - 78]

Published Online: September 13, 2024

  • Abstract

    In modern conditions, with an increase in the risk of poverty due
    to inadequate pension income, a responsible approach is necessary
    in terms of management in public and private pension
    systems. To maintain a decent standard of living for the elderly
    population, the rights of non-pension and adequate pension income
    have been defined. Pensions should be commensurate with
    contributions, it is necessary to provide equal opportunities for
    the acquisition of pension rights for women and men and to the
    means that create the conditions for a dignified life in old age.
    The goal of the work is to investigate the possibilities of adequate
    management by state authorities, employers of pension
    systems, individuals, and interested parties with the application
    of innovative approaches and gain insight into the best systems
    for implementation in practice. The subject of the work is the
    sustainability of the pension system, with the application of riskfree
    management principles. The method that will be applied is
    descriptive, and comparative with the scientific literature of electronic
    databases of scientific journals and international databases.

    Keywords: Pension Systems Sustainability Risks Management Innovation Technology GPI IRM

  • Figures

    Figure Image

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