ISSN NO : 3064-9064

Strategic Financial Review is dedicated to advancing the understanding of strategic financial management and its role in driving organizational success. Our journal aims to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, academics, and policymakers to share insights, research findings, and strategies that contribute to informed financial decision-making and sustainable growth.

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An Analysis Of The Relationship Between Oil Prices And Inflation In Oil-Dependent Economies: With Special Reference To OMAN

1 Department Of Economics And Finance, College Of Economics, Management And Information Systems, University Of Nizwa,,Oman

Volume 1

Issue 1

Page: [1 - 9]

Published Online: February 15, 2024

  • Abstract

    This Research Aims To Take Into Account The Association Between Inflation And Oil Prices Within An Oil-Dependent Economy. Oil Is Considered As One Of The Essential Commodities In The World, And Its Price Has A Significant Influence On The Global Economy. Moreover, The Oil-Dependent Economies Are Heavily Based On Oil Exports For Their Economic Growth, Which Makes Them Vulnerable To Fluctuation In Oil Prices. Hence To Understand The Relationship Between Variables The Research Applied Panel Data Analysis Of Different Oil-Dependent Economies For The Duration Of 20 Years (2000 To 2020). The Result Found A Significant And Strong Correlation Amid The Upsurge In Inflation Rate And Oil Price. This Shows That A Positive Relationship Is Present Amid The Dependent And Independent Variable. The Findings Revealed That 10% Rise In Oil Prices Mainly Causes An Average Increase Of 0.5% Inflation In Economies. The Study Recommends That Oil Price Has A Positive Influence In Oil-Dependent Economies And Policymakers Should Take This Relationship In Their Consideration While Establishing The Monetary Policies.

    Keywords: Oil Prices Inflation Oil Dependent Economies Essential Commodities

  • Figures

    Figure Image

  • References

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