ISSN NO : 2995-620X

The Journal of Business Leadership and Management is committed to advancing the understanding of effective leadership and management practices in the dynamic landscape of business. Our journal aims to provide a platform for academics, practitioners, researchers, and thought leaders to share insights, research findings, and strategies that contribute to informed decision-making and organizational success.

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1 Faculty Of Civil Engineering, Department Of Environmental Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru,,Malaysia

Volume 1

Issue 1

Page: [47 - 55]

Published Online: October 9, 2023

  • Abstract

    It Is Anticipated That The Variation In Change Within Climate Brought On By An Increase In Greenhouse Gases Would Lead To Greater Temperatures As Well As Changing Patterns Of Rain And Snow, Both Of Which Will Have A Momentous Impact On The Lives Of People. This Research Was Conducted With The Objectives Of Determining How Residents Of Northern Nigeria's Farming Communities Felt About The Change Within Climate Variation Affects, How They Reacted To Those Changes, And What Impact Those Changes Had On Agricultural Output In The Region. For The Purpose Of The Study, One Hundred Residents Of Kaduna Were Selected At Random For Taking Part. In Order To Learn How The Unpredictability Of Change Within Climate And The Strategies Of Adaptation Impact Agricultural Production, A Descriptive Poll Was Conducted. The Findings Indicate That Greater Majority Of Individuals Are Aware Of The Gravity Of Change Within Climate And The Fact That The Majority Of The Impacts Of Change Within Climate On Agricultural And Livestock Output Are Negative. The Majority Of Individuals Believe That The Many Strategies That Have Been Developed To Counter The Undesirable Effects Of Change Within Climate On Agricultural Output And Livestock Production Are Effective, As The Findings Of The Survey Demonstrated.

    Keywords: Adaptation Strategies Agricultural Production Climate Change Farmers Livelihood Precipitation

  • Figures

    Figure Image

  • References

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