

Peer review is a vital process used to evaluate the quality of a manuscript before it is published. Independent experts in the relevant research field assess submitted manuscripts for originality, validity, and significance. This aids editors in deciding whether a manuscript should be published in their journal.s

Here Is How It Operates:

When a manuscript is submitted, it undergoes an initial assessment to determine if it meets the submission criteria. If so, the editorial team selects potential peer reviewers within the research area to evaluate the manuscript and provide recommendations.

In a double-blind review, the reviewers do not know the authors' names, and conversely, the authors do not know who reviewed their manuscript.

The purpose of peer review is to validate the manuscript's integrity. Peer reviewers are experienced professionals who volunteer their time to enhance the manuscripts they review. This process makes manuscripts more robust, easier to comprehend, and more valuable to others in the field.

The duration of the review process depends on the responsiveness of the reviewers. The initial round of the process typically takes about six weeks, with a maximum of three months. In cases where reviewers report conflict or are unreasonably delayed, additional expert opinions may be sought. In rare instances where finding a second referee is exceptionally challenging, a decision may be made by the handling Editor based on only one referee report.

Revised manuscripts are generally returned to the initial reviewer for reevaluation, who may request further revisions.