ISSN NO : 2996-2366

The aim of the journal "Recent Educational Research" is to provide a platform for scholars, researchers, educators, and practitioners to disseminate high-quality, original research findings and innovative educational practices. The journal strives to advance the understanding of contemporary educational issues and contribute to the enhancement of teaching, learning, and educational policy development.

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The Correlation Between Language Anxiety And Foreign Language Achievement Among Undergraduate Students At The University Of Tabuk

1 University Of Tabuk – Haql College – Languages And Translation Department,,Saudi Arabia

Volume 2

Issue 1

Page: [40 - 53]

Published Online: March 25, 2023

  • Abstract

    English Language Learning Attracts Individuals From Diverse Linguistic Backgrounds Due To A Global Demand And Is Seen As A Gateway To Academic And Professional Success. Language Anxiety Is Seen As A Reoccurring Issue Among These Learners Of Foreign Languages. This Research Paper Examines The Relationship Between Language Anxiety And Foreign Language Achievement Of Learners By Conducting A Quantitative Study With A Sample Of 80 Undergraduate Students At The University Of Tabuk-Haql College Using A Scale (FLCAS) To Measure The Levels Of Anxieties Induced In The Process Of Foreign Language Learning. A Survey Questionnaire Was Developed Using Achievement Emotions Questionnaire (AEQ). The Results Of The Research Revealed A Negative Correlation Between The Two Variables, Stressing That Language Anxiety Is A Hindering Factor In Language Achievement. There Was No Statistical Difference Found In FLA And Its Effect On Language Achievement Based On Gender Among The Students. The Findings Of The Present Research Emphasize The Significance Of Equipping Educators With The Tools To Assess Language Anxiety Among Learners Effectively. Foreign Language Anxiety Can Be Reduced In Learners By Creating A Supportive Classroom Environment, Fostering Encouragement, And Developing Interventions For Situation Specific Anxiety Such As Fear Of Making Mistakes And Classroom Participation Can Lead To More Successful And Confident Language Learners.

    Keywords: Language Anxiety Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA) Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) Achievement Emotions Questionnaire (AEQ) English Language Learning Foreign Language Language Achievement

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  • References

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