International Journal of Empirical Research Methods

ISSN NO : 2995-6110

The International Journal of Empirical Research Methods is dedicated to promoting and advancing empirical research methodologies across various disciplines. This journal aims to provide a platform for researchers, scholars, educators, and practitioners to share insights, methodologies, and findings that contribute to the improvement of empirical research practices and the enhancement of evidence-based decision-making.

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The Forgotten Legacy: Three Important Words In Stewardship

1 Bandung Baptist Theology College,,Indonesia   |   2 Tyranus Bible Seminary, Bandung,Indonesia   |   3 Indonesia,Indonesia

Volume 2

Issue 1

Page: [59 - 69]

Published Online: February 5, 2024

  • Abstract

    The Shift In The Content Of Stewardship Is Possible Because Of An Understanding That Develops Away From Its Original Purpose. It Is No Longer The Same As The Inheritance That Was Declared To The Next Successor. This Fact Certainly Applies To Christian Stewardship. Recognizing The Contents Of The Inheritance And How To Transfer It To The Successors Of Stewardship Can Be Studied From Paul’s Letter To The Corinthians. His First Letters Are In Chapters 11 And 15. Through Several Textual Approaches And Developing The Results Of These Approaches, Three Important Words Are Found Regarding The True Heritage: Parelabon, Paradoka And Paradosis. Concretely For The Development Of Faith In Adults In The Articulation Of Didaskalia And Pedagogy Is Rooted In Those Three Words That Paul Mentioned In The Middle Of The Congregation. And Its Implementation Is Mainly Carried Out As Often As Possible Among Believers.

    Keywords: Inheritance Of Faith And Truth Succession Parelabon Paradox

  • Figures

    Figure Image

  • References

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