ISSN NO : 3064-9064

Strategic Financial Review is dedicated to advancing the understanding of strategic financial management and its role in driving organizational success. Our journal aims to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, academics, and policymakers to share insights, research findings, and strategies that contribute to informed financial decision-making and sustainable growth.

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The Impact Of The Development Of Maritime Logistics On The Aqaba Port’s Trade Movement And The Sustainability

1 Jordan Academy For Maritime Studies JAMS, University in Amman,Jordan

Volume 1

Issue 2

Page: [108 - 161]

Published Online: September 13, 2024

  • Abstract

    This research study helps in gaining complete insight into maritime
    logistics, delivering in-depth insight for policymakers, stakeholders,
    and industry practitioners. The research, guided by a strong
    theoretical framework, navigates core concepts of supply chain
    management, environmental sustainability, and corporate social
    responsibility. The formation of key findings aids in highlighting the
    correlations amid trade volume, logistics efficiency, and environmental
    impact, offering a nuanced understanding of the industry
    dynamics. Implications for policy and practice underscore the need
    for sustainable policies, cleaner technologies, and collaborative efforts
    to align the maritime industry with broader sustainability goals.
    At the operational level, this research aids in advocating strategic
    investments in technology adoption, emphasizing speed,
    accuracy, and sustainability. Collaboration emerged as the recurring
    theme, focusing on the collective efforts to address sustainability
    challenges. Cross-cultural perspectives, resilience
    strategies rooted in historical adaptability, and stakeholder engagement
    made the pivotal constituent of the future-ready
    maritime sector. Theoretical contributions enrich current frameworks,
    emphasizing the integration of economic and environmental
    objectives, interconnectedness of social responsibility
    and logistics efficiency, and temporal dimension of historical
    contextualization. The study identifies the global nature of maritime
    trade, assessing the implications for diverse regions and
    cultures, urging nuanced strategies for the evolving landscape.

    Keywords: Maritime Logistics Aqaba Port Trade movement Sustainability

  • Figures

    Figure Image

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