ISSN NO : 3064-9064

Strategic Financial Review is dedicated to advancing the understanding of strategic financial management and its role in driving organizational success. Our journal aims to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, academics, and policymakers to share insights, research findings, and strategies that contribute to informed financial decision-making and sustainable growth.

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Financial Distress During The COVID-19 Pandemic: Altman And Springate Model Prediction

1 Master Of Management Program, Universitas Sahid,Indonesia

Volume 1

Issue 1

Page: [21 - 35]

Published Online: February 15, 2024

  • Abstract

    The Retail Trade Industry Has Experienced A Sharp Decline In Economic Growth During The COVID-19 Pandemic. Regulation Of Social Distancing, Restrictions On Retail Shop Operating Hours, And Disruption Of Online Shopping Behavior Contribute To Worsen The Financial Performance Of Retail Trade Companies.

    Keywords: Financial Distress Altman Model Springate Model

  • Figures

    Figure Image

  • References

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