Article Code: 52435 Authors: Rai, I Nyoman Aji Suadhana; Yani, Yanyan M.; Heryadi, R. Dudy; Kamaluddin, Asep Title: The Interplay Between Cybersecurity in Europe and the Development of the General Data Protection Regulation: A Study of Lateral Pressure Journal: International Journal of Empirical Research Methods Volume: 2 Year: 2024 Issue: 2 Article Number: 52435 URL: ISSN: 2995-6110 Abstract: The securitization of cyberspace has been a specter to the political studies in various countries. This article focuses on the dynamic of speech act on implementation consent and its relation to the theory of lateral pressure formulated by Nazli in studying cyber politics. Since 2018, the European Commission has implemented GDPR as a basic law related to data transfer, collection and process (TCP). This policy has brought a fundamental problem to the activity conducted by the state and private sector. Moreover, it was also criticized that this policy has brought to the discrimination of algorithm that came to bias to the minority group. In speak of Methodology, we used qualitative research of 418 articles with the keyword ‘consent’ focusing on Social and Humanities Science in Journal Sage; after manual analysis, we found 146 articles related to the consent study and social science. The final project is to find out the significant tendency of how Europe has securitized GDPR through speech acts by correlating it to the Lateral Pressure Index. The potential implications of the finding could give theoretical preference in formulating a data protection base policy. DOI: 10.59762/ijerm205275792220240705094106