ISSN NO : 2996-2366

The aim of the journal "Recent Educational Research" is to provide a platform for scholars, researchers, educators, and practitioners to disseminate high-quality, original research findings and innovative educational practices. The journal strives to advance the understanding of contemporary educational issues and contribute to the enhancement of teaching, learning, and educational policy development.

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Enhancing Math Problem-Solving Skills In Secondary 1 (Grade 7) Students Through The Integration Of KWDL Technique And BAR Model In Learning Activities

1 Faculty Of Technical Education Rajamangala University Of Technology Thanyaburi,Thailand

Volume 1

Issue 2

Page: [148 - 165]

Published Online: December 20, 2023

  • Abstract

    The Research Entitled The Development Of Learning Activity Through KWDL Technique Combined With BAR Model To Improve Problem-Solving Ability In Math For Secondary 1 (Grade 7) Students Made Use Of A Quasi-Experimental Design Wherein The Experimental Group Was Exposed To Learning Activities Through The KWDL Technique Combined With BAR Model While The Control Group Learned Through Traditional. The Sample Used In This Research Was 38 Secondary 1 (Grade 7) Students From Rizal National Science High School, Rizal Province, Philippines, Who Studied In The Second Semester Of The 2022 Academic Year By Cluster Sampling. The Research Instruments Consisted Of 1) Learning Management Plans With Learning Activities Through Traditional; 2) Learning Management Plans With Learning Activities Through The KWDL Technique Combined With The BAR Model; 3) Problem- Solving Ability In A Math Test. Data Analysis Included Mean, Standard Deviation, And T-Test The Results Showed That: 1) The Problem-Solving Ability In Math Of Secondary 1 (Grade 7) Students After Studying Learning Activities Through The KWDL Technique Combined With The BAR Model Was Higher Than Before Learning At A Statistical Significance Level Of .05 Level; 2) The Problem-Solving Ability In Math Of Secondary 1 (Grade 7) Students After Studying Learning Activities Through Traditional Was Higher Than Before Learning At A Statistical Significance Level Of .05; 3) The Problem-Solving Ability In Math Of Secondary 1 (Grade 7) Students Studying Learning Activities Through KWDL Technique Combined With BAR Model Was Higher Than The Learning Activities Through Traditional At Statistical Significance Level Of .05.

    Keywords: KWDL Technique BAR Model Math Problem-Solving Ability

  • Figures

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  • References

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