ISSN NO : 2996-2366

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Linguistic Errors In Written Discourse

1 Doctor Of Philosophy In English-Major In Language, Associate Professor V, Biliran Province State University Naval, Biliran,Philippines

Volume 1

Issue 2

Page: [119 - 140]

Published Online: December 20, 2023

  • Abstract

    This Study Generally Aimed To Determine The Linguistic Errors Of Grade 11 Students In Biliran Province State University-Laboratory High School (BiPSU-LHS) In Their Written Discourse, SY: 2021-2022. Utilizing The Descriptive-Correlational Research Design, This Study Elicited Data From The 33 Students Of BiPSU-LHS. Findings Revealed That Most Grade 11 Senior High School Students In BiPSU-LHS Spent 1-3 Hours In Watching English Videos Per Week. On The Other Hand, Most Of The Grade 11 Senior High School Students In BiPSU-LHS Only Spent 15 Minutes To 1 Hour In Reading English Materials Per Week. Moreover, The Most Common Syntactic Error Committed By The Grade 11 Students In The Written Discourse Was The Use Of ‘Wrong Or Missing Prepositions; Most Common Morphological Error Committed By The Grade 11 Students In The Written Discourse Was The Use Of ‘Contraction;’ And Most Common Technical Errors Committed By The Grade 11 Students In The Written Discourse Was Poor Punctuation. Hence, There Is A Significant Relationship Between The Profile Of The Grade 11 Senior High School Students And Their Syntactic Errors, Morphological Errors, And Technical Errors Committed. Based On The Overall Observation And Analysis Of The Data Gathered, The Researcher Concluded That The Grade 11 Students In Biliran Division During The School Year 2021-2022 Have Committed Linguistic Errors In Their Written Discourse, Such As: Syntactic, Morphological, And Technical Categories.

    Keywords: Linguistic Morphological Descriptive-Correlational BiPSU-LHS Committed Contraction

  • Figures

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  • References

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