ISSN NO : 2996-1157

Pharmaceutical Breakthroughs is dedicated to fostering a deep understanding of novel developments, advancements, and breakthroughs in the field of pharmaceutical sciences. Our journal aims to be a platform for researchers, scientists, clinicians, and industry professionals to share their insights, discoveries, and perspectives in the realm of pharmaceutical innovation.

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Investigation Of Biological Activities Catalytic Activity Antioxidant Activity Of Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized By Using Mulberry (Morus) Leaf Extract

1 Department Of Chemistry, Yuvaraja’s College, University Of Mysore,,India   |   2 Department Of Nutrition, Biochemistry And Toxicology, Defense Food Research Laboratory, Sidharthanagar Mysore,,India

Volume 1

Issue 1

Page: [24 - 36]

Published Online: November 10, 2023

  • Abstract

    Few Decades Ago, Almost No One Understood The Importance Of Remarks “There Is Plenty Of Room At The Bottom” Expressed By Robert Feynman Until Its Reality Appeared In The Form Of Technology Called Nanotechnology, Which Has Left Its Footprints In Almost Every Field Of Science And Technology. Nano- Technology Is Based On Two Approaches I.E. Top-Down Approach And Bottom-Up Approach. These Two Approaches Include Different Physical, Chemical And Biological Methods For The Production Of Materi- Als At Nano Scale. Biological Method Especially Use Of Plant Parts (Green Method) Is Strongly Rec- Ommended Nowadays Due Its Unique Features I.E. Simplicity, Biocompatibility, Cost-Effectiveness And Eco-Friendliness. In The Present Study, We Have Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles Through Green Method By Using Mulberry Leaves. The Green Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles Were Characterized By Techniques Such As Uv-Visible Spectrophotometry, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Dynamic Light Scattering, Fourier Transformer-Infrared, X-Ray Diffraction. The Nanoparticles Were Studied For Their Different Activities I.E. Antimicrobial Activity, Antidiabetic Activity, Antioxidant Activity, Catalytic Activity And Cytotoxic Activity.

    Keywords: Silver Nanoparticles Antidiabetic Activity Antioxidant Activity Catalytic Activity And Cy- Totoxic Activity

  • Figures

    Figure Image

  • References

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