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The Effect Of Work Motivation And Transformative Leadership On Freelancer Innovative Behaviour In The Oil And Gas Mining Industry Mediated By Absorptive Capacity

1 Universitas Airlangga Sekolah Pascasarja,Indonesia

Volume 2

Issue 1

Page: [10 - 24]

Published Online: February 5, 2024

  • Abstract

    Freelancers, Defined As Non-Employees Or Independent Contractors, Provide Company Comprehensive By Utilizing Freelancers To Be More Flexible, Agile, And Innovative. Employee Innovative Behavior Is An Essential Foundation In Supporting The Company’s Success. In Previous Research, There Has Not Been Much Discussion Of The Competitive Advantage Of A Freelancer From The Perspective Of An Individual Freelancer. Innovation Can Arise From Innovative Work Behavior Using The Absorptive Capacity To Att Knowledge. This Piece Has An Objective To Design And Analyze The Impact Of Work Motivation And Transformative Leadership On Freelancer Employees Innovative Behavior In The Oil And Gas Mining Industry Mediated By Absorptive Capacity.

    Keywords: Work Motivation Transformative Leadership Absorptive Capacity Employee Innovative Behavior Freelancers

  • Figures

    Figure Image

  • References

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