International Journal of Empirical Research Methods

ISSN NO : 2995-6110

The International Journal of Empirical Research Methods is dedicated to promoting and advancing empirical research methodologies across various disciplines. This journal aims to provide a platform for researchers, scholars, educators, and practitioners to share insights, methodologies, and findings that contribute to the improvement of empirical research practices and the enhancement of evidence-based decision-making.

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Organizational Justice & Work Climate Of Hotel Employees In Sarawak, Malaysia

1 Faculty Of Cognitive Sciences And Human Development, University Malaysia Sarawak,Malaysia

Volume 2

Issue 1

Page: [1 - 7]

Published Online: December 10, 2024

  • Abstract

    Research Aims The Purpose Of This Study Was Conducted To Investigate The Relationship Between Both Organizational Justice And Organizational Climate Towards Turnover Intention, With Job Satisfaction Acting As The Mediating Variable.
    Design/Methodology/Approach This Cross-Sectional Study Involves Conducting A Survey Among 252 Hotel Employees In Sarawak. Pearson Correlation Analysis And Haye’s PROCESS Model Through SPSS Macros Model 4 Were Applied To Examine Relationships And Meditational Effects.
    Research Findings The Results Indicate That 1. Job Satisfaction Mediates The Relationship Between Organizational Climate And Turnover Intention; 2. Job Satisfaction Mediates The Relationship Between Organizational Justice And Turnover Intention; 3. Job Satisfaction Is Negatively Related To Turnover Intention.
    Theoretical Contribution/Originality/Value This Study Assesses Whether Job Satisfaction Mediates The Effect Of Organizational Justice And Organizational Climate On Turnover Intention And Mend The Gaps On Inconsistencies Found On The Association Between Organizational Justice And Turnover Intention.
    Practical/ Policy Implications Hotels Can Implement A Fair And Equitable System Within Their Organisation Such As A Performance-Based Rewards System, To Ensure Job Security And Stability Can Be Offered To Employees.
    Research Limitations This Study Was Conducted Within The Context Of Sarawak Only And Among Hotel Employees, And This Study Is Conducted Solely Quantitatively.

    Keywords: Organizational Justice Work Climate Turnover Intention Job Satisfaction Hotel

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