Article Code: 5243106 Authors: Madiclum, Rodyard Title: Linking The Coconut Farmers In The Philippines To Better Market Opportunities Through Community-Based Participatory Action Research Journal: SUSTAINABLE ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT REVIEW Volume: 1 Year: 2023 Issue: 1 Article Number: 5243106 URL: ISSN: 2996-1181 Abstract: This Research Aimed To Empower Eight Selected Coconut Farmers B Ybuilding Aneconomically Sustainable And Resilient Community. Specificall , It Focused On: 1. Improve Coconut Farmers’ Economic Conditions Through Value-Added Coconut Products; 2. Link Them With Other Stakeholders For Producing And Commercializing Coconut Products; 3. Design The Sustainability Plan In Partnership With The Stakeholders. The Researcher Employed Each Content, Which Is (1) Needs And Support Assessment. (2) The Capacity-Building Activities On Training On Developing Entrepreneurial Skills Among Coconut Farmers Of Burias, Training On “Bukayo” Making, Business Model Canvas, And One-On-One Consultation, Entrepreneurial Mind Setting And Intro To Business Planning And Seminar-Workshop In Marketing. (3) Innovative Marketing Strategies; Establish A Presence On The Online Platform, Specifically Digital Marketing, By Creating A Facebook Page That Serves As A Platform In Which Their Coconut Food Products Bring A Better Income For Coconut Farmers. The Coconut 2.0 Research Initiated By The Researcher Positively Affected The Quality Of Coconut Farmers’ Lives, Thus Building A Sustainable And Resilient Community Of Coconut Farmers. A Memorandum Of Agreement Was Bound Between The Stakeholders And Coconut Farmers Based On The Sustainability Plan. These Documents Were Presented To The Coconut Farmers During The Turning-Over Activity Of The Research. DOI: 10.59762/seer924712041120231103144637