Article Code: 8 Authors: Darji, Chandrakant Title: Basic Mathematical form Of Nature of Space And Dimension of Observable Universe and Beyond Journal: International Journal of Empirical Research Methods Volume: 2 Year: 2024 Issue: 2 Article Number: 8 URL: ISSN: 2995-6110 Abstract: In this innovative research I have advanced the theory of spacewith definition of space, definition of types of space, and introducedenergy-mass transformation, gravity and gravitationforce. With this advance research, finally I have defined basicmathematical form of “Nature of space and Dimension of ObservableUniverse and beyond”.As we know the universe is definedas all space-time and their contents. However, several questionsstill remain open regarding higher dimension, singularity,gravity collapse at horizon of black hole, unified gravity, theoryof everything, dark matter, dark energy, existence of observableuniverse and beyond, question for mathematical form ofeverything, question for matter itself, and question for the spaceitself. These open questions have driven this scientific researchof “Basic Mathematical form Of Nature of Space and Dimensionof Observable Universe and beyond”. My research findingsindicate that the space itself is the entity with having physicalproperties. The space can be described by physical structureand its transformation. The space has two fundamental propertiesof energy and mass, and space can be described by energy-mass transformation. From these energy-mass transformationand physical structure transformation, I have defined thegravity, gravitation force and basicmathematical form of“Natureof space and Dimension of Observable Universe and beyond”.This basic mathematical form covers scope of higher dimension,unified gravity, singularity, horizon of black hole, and natureof space of observable universe and beyond. Several researchhave been conductedfor look into nature of space,space-time,gravity, unified gravity, higher dimensions, unified mathematicalformof everything by Minkowski space,Higgs field, Aethermedium, Newton’s law of universal gravitation, Electromagnetism,Planck constant,General relativity,Standard Model,LoopQuantum Gravity, Super symmetry, Super gravity, String theoryand M-Theory. Despite these research, the questions stillremain open for unified nature and for unified mathematicalform of “Nature of space and Dimension of Observable Universeand beyond”. By researching the existence of matter, I foundthe existence of space was just accepted as the void, empty,and space-time background framework. My research reflects“Dimension of Observable Universe and beyond”encompassesall existence of observable universe and beyond it. The advancedefinition of space, definition of type of space, space transformationand energy-mass transformation perfectly describe existence of entirespace & universe and its nature at very fundamental level. Thisvery fundamental nature is presented in basic mathematical form.It is the most accurate foundation to answer those open questions.It is the novelty in astrophysics and foundation of entire existence. DOI: 10.59762/ijerm299561102220241008122811