Article Code: 52541 Authors: Tarigan, Edi; Mawardi, Wisnu Title: Financial Innovation for Sustainable Agricultural Development in Emerging Economies Journal: STRATEGIC FINANCIAL REVIEW Volume: 1 Year: 2024 Issue: 2 Article Number: 52541 URL: ISSN: 3064-9064 Abstract: Within their agricultural sectors, emerging economies face aunique set of obstacles. These obstacles include limited accessto modern agricultural practices and technologies, insufficient infrastructure,and climatic instabilities. Agriculture supports thesustainable development and economic stability of the country.However, food crops and cash crops play a significant role. Thedemographic profile of the research respondents was presentedprior to the main analysis. This data provides context and facilitatescomprehension of the variety of perspectives and experienceswithin the sample population. It contains variablessuch as age, gender, level of education, and operating region. DOI: 10.59762/sfr1220240710133305